B. Tech Program

B. Tech in Design is planned to start from 2025 at the Department of Design, IITD. It will have an intake of 20 students in the first batch. It is a 4 year program. The intake will be based on JEE advanced ranking. However, aspirants should have qualified the design aptitute test, namely UCEED (link).


B.Tech in Design is a very unique program crafted specially for empathetic and creative minds intent on understanding socio-technical systems around us and designing interventions for problems in these systems.


They will learn about prevalent technologies, design thinking processes, research methods in the analysis of socio-technical systems, communication & presentation skills and teamwork.


A B.Tech in Design will require to complete a total of 155 credits in 4 years as per the curriculum provided in the link.


This document has more details about the objectives of starting B.Tech in Design program.


BTech in Design virtual Open House was held at 5 pm on 8th October. Here are the slides from the presentation made during the Open House, which would help you to get a better understanding about the department, facilities in the department, salient features of the program and career opportunities for the graduates of this program.





Program Coordinator:

Prof. Jay Dhariwal



Department of Design office





Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

Email: dodoffice@admin.iitd.ac.in

Tel: 011-26548731


 Site designed and maintained by Department of Design