prof. Pramod Khadilkar


Pramod Khadilkar

Associate Professor

Department of Design





Pramod is a passionate design educator, researcher, and practitioner. He completed MDes and PhD from Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Pramod is a recipient of the prestigious Marie-Curie/ EuroTech postdoc. He worked in Technical University of Denmark as a postdoctoral Fellow for 2 years. He is also currently a Bharat Inclusion Research Fellow working on an independent research project sponsored by CIIE.CO. He has industrial experience of close to 7 years in Ashok Leyland and General Motors India Limited. He also has two years of academic experience at graduate and postgraduate level.

Pramod believes in a perfect blend of theory and practice in design. He enjoys teaching Design methods, Design research methods, and Design thinking at fundamental levels. At advanced level he enjoys teaching Behavioural design, Design for human development, and System thinking. He had conducted professional courses in Technical surfacing in Alias.

Pramod primarily researches on Behavioural design, Design for human development, Design for Base of the (economic) Pyramid, Social innovation, and Design ethics. He has publications in top design journals like, Design studies, Design Issues, Journal of Engineering Design, and International Journal of design.

Pramod has experience of working in the automotive industry and is a skilled Alias modeller. He has worked as a freelancer for the automotive, and packaging industry.


  • Publications


    • Khadilkar, P., Jagtap, S., & Mani, M. (Under review). Effects of ‘poverty conceptions’ on design for the resource-constrained populations. Design and Culture.
    • Khadilkar, P., Jagtap, S. (Under review). Can design be Non-Paternalistic? Conceptualizing paternalism in design. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation.
    • Khadilkar, P., Cash, P. (Published online). Understanding Behavioural Design: Barriers and Enablers. Journal of Engineering Design.
    • Cash, P., Khadilkar, P., Hansen, C., Jensen, J., & Mugge, R. (2020). Designing Behaviour Change: A Behavioural Problem/Solution (BPS) Matrix. International Journal of Design. 14(2), 65-83.
    • Khadilkar, P. R. (Spring 2017). Formulating the design scope for Base of the (economic) pyramid. Design Issues, 33(2). 4-17
    • Khadilkar, P. R., Lokras, S., Somashekar, H. I., Reddy, B. V. V., & Mani, M. (2015). A methodological basis to evaluate a product using Capability Approach: A case study of firewood based cook-stove. Current Science, 109(9). 1601-1609
    • Jagtap, S., Larsson, A., Hiort, V., Olander, E., Warell, A., & Khadilkar, P. (2014). How design process for the Base of the Pyramid differs from that for the Top of the Pyramid. Design Studies, 35(5). 527-558



    • Khadilkar, P., Cash, P. (2020). Discerning Behavioural Design: A Conceptual Model. In: Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 1455-1464. doi:10.1017/dsd.2020.167
    • Khadilkar P., Cash P. (2019). Understanding behavioural design: Integrating process and cognitive perspectives, In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED, 19). Delft, The Netherlands, 05-08 August 2019, 1863-1872
    • Khadilkar P., Somasekhar H. I., & Mani M. (2019). Technologies to support the technologies, In: Proceedings of the Rural Technology Development and Delivery: RuTAG and its Synergy with other Initiatives (RTDD-2018). New Delhi, India, March 2018, 213-221
    • Khadilkar P., Mani M. (2015). A Capability Approach based Stakeholder Analysis for the Base of the Pyramid: A Case Study of the Firewood Based Cook-Stoves, In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), Vol. 9: User-Centred Design, Design of Socio-Technical system. Milan, Italy, July 2015, 23-32.
    • Khadilkar, P. R., Lokras, S., Somashekar, H. I., Reddy, B. V. V., & Mani, M. (2014). Design and a “capability approach-based” evaluation of an innovative mould for rapid dissemination of the “Astra ole”: a firewood based cook-stove’. In Proceedings of Design for Sustainable Well-being and Empowerment. Bangalore, India: IISc Press, 305-320.
    • Khadilkar P., Mani M. (2013), Designer’s Capability to Design and its Impact on User’s Capabilities, In ICoRD’13, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash (eds.), Springer India. 1433-1444
    • Jagtap, S., Larsson, A., Hiort, V., Olander, E., Warell, A., & Khadilkar, P.  (2013). Design for the BOP and TOP markets: Strategies used by the design students. In DS 76: Proceedings of E&PDE 2013, the 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Dublin, Ireland. 05-06.09. 2013, 524-529
    • Jagtap, S., Larsson, A., Hiort, V., Olander, E., Warell, A., & Khadilkar, P. (2013). Fighting poverty through design: Comparing design processes for the base and the top of the world income pyramid. In DS 75-1: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), Design for Harmonies, Vol. 1: Design Processes, Seoul, Korea, 19-22.08. 2013. 211-220
    • Khadilkar P., Monto M. (2012), Assessment of Technology in the View of Sustainability and Capability Approach, In Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Emerging Agenda for Technology Management, Mukhopadhyay C, Akhilesh KB, Srinivasan R, Gurtoo A, Ramachandran P, Iyer PP, Mathirajan M, Bala Subrahmanya MH (eds.), Springer, India. 65-76
    • Chakrabarti A., Khadilkar P. (2003), A measure for assessing product novelty, In International conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm, Sweden.


    Book Chapters

    • Khadilkar P., Monto M. (2012), A Methodological Framework to Investigate the connect between Capability Approach and Livelihood enhancement using ICT, In the Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in southern Countries: from promises to the socio-economic reality, Dahmani A, Ledjou Jean-Michel (eds.), Karthala Publications, Paris. 401-419



    • Lokras, S.S., Khadilkar, P.R., Somashekar, H.I., Venkatrama Reddy, B.V., Monto Mani (2011). Stove-Mould Assembly. Indian Patent Application No. 4595/CHE/2011. Chennai, India: Intellectual Property India (Status: Pending)

Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

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